Research - Recap of What I Learnt From the AS Year
In the AS year I developed skills in...
- Camera work - I have developed my skills in using cameras further. I am able to frame the camera in a range of different shots, from close ups to POV'S to crane shots etc.
- Using editing software and how/why editing works - I can now use Final Cut Pro comfortably. I am able to cut footage to make clips and films, add writing and different sounds, add transitions and various other things the software provides.
- My understanding and ability to analyse the use of mise en scene - Although I was able to analyse media products before I started AS Media, I am now able to recognise how the use of mise en scene effects film and TV in depth, using a wider range of media language.
- Sound - In the AS year I learnt how to use sound software such as Sound Track Pro and although I don't feel that I have mastered the program, I am still able to use it to create soundtracks that may be used in films and TV clips whereas before this was not a skill that I had.
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